A multiobjective location-allocation model for day care facilities planning 

  • Victoria Mayela Luna Rojas ,
  • Idalia Flores de la Mota  
  • a,b National Autonomous University of Mexico, A. Universidad 3000, Coyoacán, Mexico City, 04510, Mexico
  • a,b National Autonomous University of Mexico, A. Universidad 3000, Coyoacán, Mexico City, 04510, Mexico 
Cite as
Luna Rojas V.M., and Flores de la Mota I. (2022).,A multiobjective location-allocation model for day-care facilities planning. Proceedings of the 34th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2022). , 040 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2022.emss.040


One of the concerns within public organizations in Mexico is to improve the services provided to citizens, however, budget cuts have caused these institutions to seek solutions that fit their resources. Location – allocation of facilities is one of the most important decision-making problems, however, applications of this type of problem have hardly been studied in the context of the institutions in charge of social security in the Mexican public sector. This paper develops a multiobjective optimization model to address the problem of locating day-care facilities for the beneficiaries of the Mexican Social Security Institute, where the objectives are to minimize the cost of operation and the distance traveled by service users, while maximizing the demand covered to be able to have an adequate planning and make improvements for this service.


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