Design of an evacuation and addressing system in case of emergency or accident in the port area of Bastia

  • Alessandro Farina ,
  • Marco Frosolini, 
  • Massimiliano Petri,  
  • Antonio Pratelli
  • a,b,c,d  Dip. di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale (DICI), Università di Pisa, Largo Lucio Lazzarino 2, Pisa, 56126, Italy
Cite as
Farina A., , Frosolini M., Petri M., and Pratelli A. (2022).,Design of an evacuation and addressing system in case of emergency or accident in the port area of Bastia. Proceedings of the 34th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2022). , 046 . DOI:


Port areas, due to the often intense traffic and the potentially dangerous nature of many goods, are exposed to a series of risks that can lead to accidental severe events. Such events may endanger the safety of port workers and passengers. This paper, that follows the studies and the research activities performed within the European Project Alacres 2, uses a methodology that aims at improving safety and effectiveness in the evacuation phase of the port area following an accidental event. This target is pursued through the simulation of different evacuation scenarios. The methodology is based on a micro-scale pedestrian simulation model applied to the port area of Bastia, in Corsica, and demonstrates how dynamic simulation techniques can be useful in redesigning port spaces in order to optimize the evacuation phase. The simulation reconstructs in detail the port area, both at the level of spaces and punctual elements that can act as obstacles and element of danger during the evacuation phase. Through a thorough data collection and the inductive construction of appropriate statistics, it provides a Digital Model of the port. This methodology can be easily transferred to other ports of any size and it is flexible enough to be adapted and integrated with simulation models of the spaces inside the port buildings and the movements inside and around the ships on the sea side.


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