Design and optimization through simulation of an industrial system for the continuous UV-C treatment of fruits and vegetables

  • Andrea Volpi,
  • Federico Solari, 
  • Natalya Lysova 
  • Michele Bocelli
  • a,b,c,d  University of Parma - Department of Engineering and Architecture, Viale delle Scienze 181/A, Parma, 43124, Italy
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Volpi A., Solari F., Lysova N., and Bocelli M. (2022).,Design and optimization through simulation of an industrial system for the continuous UV-C treatment of fruits and vegetables. Proceedings of the 8th International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop (FoodOPS 2022). , 011 . DOI:
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Food loss and food waste are critical issues worldwide, and they have been largely addressed by institutions in recent years. Horticultural products are particularly prone to experience decay and loss of quality, so they often happen to be disposed of without being consumed. The treatment of food products with Ultraviolet (UV) light in the UV-C region, can contribute to extending the product shelf-life by decreasing the surface microbial and fungal contamination, and by activating stress-induced defense mechanisms (hormesis). Despite being effective, energy-efficient and non-toxic, the irradiation of fruits and vegetables is not widespread in the food industry, mainly due to technical and legislative limitations.
In this paper we use a simulation approach to define technical guidelines for the design and the optimization of a machine for the continuous treatment of fruits and vegetables with UV-C rays, aiming to improve the uniformity of the radiation dose imparted to the products and decrease the processing time. The goal of our study, therefore, is three-fold: (i) to contribute to the state-of the-art of UV-C treatment of horticultural products; to define technical guidelines that would (ii) optimize both the device and the process, and (iii) make the UV-C treatment effectively implementable by industrial stakeholders.


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