Abatement of volatile organic compounds from the exhaust gases of an industrial bakery oven: comparative analysis of different technological solutions
- a Federico Solari ,
- b Natalya Lysova,
- c Gino Ferretti,
- d Andrea Volpi,
- e Michele Bocelli,
- f Roberto Montanari
- a,b,c,d,e,f University of Parma - Department of Engineering and Architecture, Viale delle Scienze 181/A, Parma, 43124, Italy
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Solari F., Lysova N., Ferretti G., Volpi A., Bocelli M., and Montanari R. (2022).,Abatement of volatile organic compounds from the exhaust gases of an industrial bakery oven: comparative analysis of different technological solutions. Proceedings of the 8th International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop (FoodOPS 2022). , 012 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2022.foodops.012
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Industrial processes can lead to the emission of organic chemical compounds in the environment. These compounds, usually referred to as “volatile organic compounds” (VOCs), are harmful to the environment and contribute to the air pollution of industrialized areas. Indeed, they are classified as particulate matter (PM) and are considered to be ozone precursors. During the last decades, the release of VOCs in the environment has become a major issue, leading to the implementation of specific regulations and to the development of several VOC-abatement systems.
In this study, we focused on the bakery sector, where the VOCs, mainly ethyl alcohol, evaporate during the baking process due to the high temperatures reached in the ovens and are released from the baking chamber. We performed a detailed review of existing and emerging VOC-reducing systems, classified into “combustion” and “non-combustion” control devices, among which we identified five technologies that resulted to be the most suitable for the bakery sector. We carried out technical and economic evaluations for each technology, by interviewing both technology providers and end-users of VOC abatement technologies. Finally, we determined the optimal technology as the one that allowed for reaching the best trade-off among legislative, environmental and economic aspects.
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Volume Details
Volume Title
Proceedings of the 8th International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop (FoodOPS 2022)
Conference Location and Date
Rome, Italy
September 19-21, 2022
Conference ISSN
Volume ISBN
Volume Editors
Agostino G. Bruzzone
MITIM-DIME, University of Genoa, Italy
Francesco Longo
DIMEG, University of Calabria, Italy
Giuseppe Vignali
University of Parma, Italy
FoodOPS 2022 Board
Giuseppe Vignali
General Chair
University of Parma, Italy
Francesco Longo
Program Chair
University of Calabria, Italy
© 2022 The Authors. The articles are open access and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY-NC-ND) license.