Model-based Data Fusion using mmWave Radar to
Evaluate Posture

  • Volkhard Klinger 
  • Department of Embedded Systems, University of Applied Science Hannover (FHDW), D-30173 Hannover, LS, Germany
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Klinger V. (2022).,Model-based Data Fusion using mmWave Radar to Evaluate Posture. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2022). , 002 . DOI:


Embedded systems are playing an increasingly important role in the field of biomedical engineering. On the basis of high-performance system architectures, mobile and networked systems with a large number of sensors and actuators can be used for research, prevention and rehabilitation. In this context, Internet of Things (IoT)-systems, which exchange information via a powerful infrastructure with databases and server systems, are also playing an increasingly important role. This paper focuses on model-based data fusion for postural injury prevention. The key point is the model-based data fusion, which has a wide spectrum and allows a high quality identification of scenarios. Model integration is demonstrated by means of an example. In addition, the integration of the model-based data fusion into the creation of a process model is classified and motivated.

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