ELVIS - Educational Laparoscopy with Virtual Instructive Simulations and robotics

  • Marco Frascio 
  • Michele Minuto
  • Marta Baratto, 
  • d  Federico Boero, 
  • Luca Corradi, 
  • Cesare Librici, 
  • Carmelo Chiarenza
  • a,b Università degli Studi di Genova - Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche e Diagnostiche Integrate (DISC), Viale Benedetto XV 6, 16132 Genova - Italy
  • EMAC srl, via del Commercio 25, 16167 Genova – Italy
  • Gruppo FOS spa, Via E. Melen 77, 16152 Genova – Italy
  • Nextage srl, Piazza della Vittoria 12/12, 16121 Genova – Italy
  • Dema srl, Via E. Vecchia 100, 17016 Varazze (SV) – Italy
  • Mectrotech srl, Via Greto di Cornigliano 6, 16152 - Genova - Italy
Cite as
Frascio M., Minuto M., Baratto M., Boero F., Corradi L., Librici C., and Chiarenza C. (2022).,ELVIS - Educational Laparoscopy with Virtual Instructive Simulations and robotics. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2022). , 003 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2022.iwish.003


Laparoscopic surgery is the standard approach for most surgical operations because of its benefits for the patients, although it requires a significant learning curve. For this reason, the FDA established the need for certified laparoscopic training programs, supported by validated surgical simulators. A multidisciplinary team of SMEs has submitted an ambitious project with the aim to develop a high-tech and low-cost multimodal simulator for laparoscopic surgery in order to ensure residents a proper training path. SMEs are working in close collaboration with the Department of Integrated Surgical and Diagnostic Sciences (DISC) from University of Genova, in order to have verified as relevant in clinical setting and training, the technical and functional requirement of the device, as well as for the validation stage, when it will be verified the ability of the device to distinguish between students, resident and experienced surgeon and to measure improvement in the learning curve.


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