Applying Conformance Checking on Virtual Laboratory Experiments

  • Athanasios Sypsas ,
  • Dimitris Kalles
  • a,b  Hellenic Open University, Parodos Aristotelous 18, Patras, 263 35, Greece
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Sypsas A. ,and Kalles D. (2022).,Applying Conformance Checking on Virtual Laboratory Experiments. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Modelling and Applied Simulation MAS 2022). , 002 . DOI:


Conformance checking, as part of an Educational Process Mining (EPM) framework, is gaining popularity as it enables evaluating learners' behavior within a learning process. During conformance checking, the recorded logs of a process are analysed with respect to whether they match the underlying process model. In this paper, we investigate the applicability of conformance checking in determining the potential use of a particular virtual laboratory activity in an educational setting, which is different to the one that this activity was originally designed for. Our approach aims to use EPM to offer educators the ability to estimate if a specific virtual laboratory is suitable for a new educational setting with relatively limited work from his/her side. To do so, we use Unified Modeling Language (UML) Activity Diagrams (ADs) to map the problem of conformance checking to a Petri net (PN) formalism. Then, we calculate the similarity of process models representing experiments using the simulation traces of the corresponding Petri nets and the log file produced by the experiment's simulated execution in a virtual laboratory. The feasibility of our approach is demonstrated on a virtual microscoping experiment.


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