A Conceptual Training Simulator for the Assembly of Electric Vehicle Batteries in Virtual Reality

  • Trinidad Sánchez Montoya ,
  • Milad Ashour Pour,
  • Kerstin Johansen
  • a,b,c Jönköping University, Jönköping, 55111, Sweden
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Montoya T.S., , Pour M.A., and Johansen K., (2022).,A Conceptual Training Simulator for the Assembly of Electric Vehicle Batteries in Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Modelling and Applied Simulation MAS 2022). , 007 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2022.mas.007


The growth of vehicle electrification is posing an increasing demand for electric batteries in the automotive industry. To respond to this growing demand, the automotive industry is starting to venture into the process of battery assembly. Multiple challenges arise from the complexities and the risks associated with these type of assembly processes. In this paper, the concept for a gamified virtual reality training system for battery assembly operators with the virtual representation of the risks is presented. A manual assembly process with automated assistance is considered. The results highlight the main aspects to consider for modeling a battery assembly process in a virtual environment. These aspects cover the areas of accurate modeling of risks, general user experience factors, and potential applications of the virtual reality training system.


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