Planification model-based process discovering

  • Sihem Mallek-Daclin ,
  • Layina Chaabaoui,
  • Nicolas Daclin, 
  • Souad Rabah, 
  • Gregory Zacharewicz 
  • a,b,c,d  Laboratory of the Science of Risks, IMT Mines-Alès, 30100, Alès, France
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Mallek-Daclin S., Chaabaoui L., Rabah S., Daclin N., and Zacharewicz G. (2022).,Planification model-based process discovering. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Modelling and Applied Simulation MAS 2022). , 020 . DOI:


New enterprises modeling approaches are emerging to guide the development of new products to market. To this purpose, the Product Development Plan (PDP) is increasingly being developed. However, the PDP is a risky exercise, in which enterprises must invest time and precious resources without guarantee of success. In this way, it can be interesting to rely previous programs from other products to start developing a new PDP. In this work, the proposition is to guide PDP development with models build from experience of previous PDP using a standardized and recognized language: BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation). Indeed, Process modeling is a significant challenge for organizations that aim to visualize in a simple and understandable way their business processes for descriptive, analysis or simulation purposes. However, previous programs to product development are mostly planned with Gantt charts. It is therefore necessary, for an easier reading and implementation of the processes, to allow a transition to Business process modelling from a planning model (ex. Gantt). As a result, it is proposed, in this paper, a process discovering methodology which aims to generate automatically a BPMN model from Gantt charts based on model mapping and transformation rules.


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