Business Process Web-based Platform for Multi modeling and Distributed Simulation

  • Mariane El Kassis ,
  • François Trousset,
  • Nicolas Daclin, 
  • Gregory Zacharewicz
  • a,b,c,d  IMT-Mines Ales, LSR, 6 Avenue de Clavières, 30100 Alès, France
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El Kassis M., Trousset F., Daclin N., and Zacharewicz G. (2022).,Business Process Web-based Platform for Multi modeling and Distributed Simulation. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Modelling and Applied Simulation MAS 2022). , 021 . DOI:


Businesses and organizations constantly strive to improve their business processes (BPs). One of the critical components of creating effective BPs is the stakeholders’ participation in BP management and improvement initiatives through modeling and simulation methodologies, which aim to minimize conflicts, promote innovation, boost ownership, and promote inclusive decision-making. To bridge the gap between the worlds of BP modeling and simulation, this study highlights the current development of concepts, methodologies, and tools. This article will provide an overview of recent research and suggest a method for extending Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN) models with Business Process Simulation Interchange Standard (BPSIM) and converting them into simulation models for Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) based on a metamodel. Additionally, an architecture is proposed to tackle the interoperability need based on co-simulation and distributed simulations.


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