How sustainability factors influence maintenance of water distribution systems feeding manufacturing industries

  • Silvia Carpitella 
  • bAntonella Certa
  • Giulia Marcon
  • a,Department of Decision-Making Theory, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences, Pod Vodárenskou Věží 4, 18208, Prague, Czech Republic
  • b,c Department of Engineering, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, 90128, Palermo, Italy
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Carpitella S., Certa A., and Marcon G. (2022).,How sustainability factors influence maintenance of water distribution systems feeding manufacturing industries. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment (SESDE 2022). , 007 . DOI:


This work aims to analyse the role played by relevant sustainability factors towards the implementation of maintenance interventions in the manufacturing industrial sector. In this context, we focus on industrial water distribution systems, on whose effective work depends the functioning of core plants as well as general industrial facilities. In detail, we propose a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) application based on the use of the Analytic Network Process (ANP) as a methodological way to prioritise maintenance interventions while considering the influence of some of the most relevant sustainability factors identified in literature. The main advantage of such an approach consists in the elaboration of a flexible maintenance procedure for companies based on a well-known and reliable multi-criteria application. The novelty of our work refers to the development of a structured link between sustainability factors and maintenance management of industrial water distribution systems, something that is fundamental in manufacturing but also in other fields of application.


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