Strategic Engineering for Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness of Water Management Systems 

  • Agostino G. Bruzzone 
  • Antonio Giovannetti,  
  • Hazal Hatip 
  • a,b,c ,Simulation Team, via Magliotto 2, 17100 Savona, Italy 
  • SIM4Future, via Trento 34, Genova, 16145, Italy 
Cite as
Bruzzone A.G., Giovannetti A. (2022).,Strategic engineering for enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of water management systems. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment (SESDE 2022). , 009 . DOI:


The paper proposes the creation of an innovative strategic water management system based on Strategic Engineering approach through the combined use of Artificial Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation, Data Analytics in closed loop with data from the field in order to be able to reduce water waste on the entire water distribution network. In fact, despite the progress made in the field of sensors and data analysis, as well as the greater awareness from the users on the importance of reducing resources and water waste, losses on the water distribution network are still very high in many countries. Therefore, to turn be crucial to identify a new holistic approach based on trans-disciplinary technologies in order to identify most promising strategies for water management. 


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